Wednesday, January 16, 2008

OMadden Weddings Slideshow

Picasa Web Albums - OMadden - OMadden

Some brides and weddings from the past.Looking forward to the images for 2008.A photographer is always looking for the next great shot.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Perfect Weddings?

Everyone tries to have the perfect wedding,some get close to perfection but their is usually something out of sorts.Being married is a lot like that.We learn to navigate through pitfalls to reach the destinations we seek.
Sometimes, the most stressfull situations can be your greatest triumphs.I recently had a bride who broke her ankle 3 days before the big day.Didn't stop her at all as she made the most of it.Smiled and joked about it throughout the day and rode her horse side saddle when she made her grand entrance.She will tell the story to her grandkids one day and laugh heartily as she recalls her 'perfect day'.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year-New Adventures

One of the things I like about a new year is that you can wipe the slate clean and focus on what is ahead.I try not to get stuck in the past as it is like driving, using the rearview mirror.It prevents us from seeing what is ahead.Opportunites are abound and it usually just a matter of being open to them.The best to all in this journey through 2008.